Thursday, September 24, 2009

You Capture-happiness


There are few things that bring my husband happiness more than chocolate (though I like to think I am one of them. Haha. Coral is, for sure. And any sort of combat training/gun shooting/shoot.move.communicate related things. And pork). Other than those, it's chocolate. Here is my very large kid in a candy store. Pure happiness, indeed.

Head to Beth's for happy, happy photos.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

you capture-up close

Meet Luci! My little brother adopted Luci last week from an animal shelter in South Carolina. That couch she's on? Her new favorite thing in the ENTIRE WORLD. Aside from my brother, of course. This girl is sweet as pie. She is a lover and a kisser and a please-rub-my-belly girl. I only wish we could have adopted every last dog.

Except for the one eating poo.

Just kidding! I'd even adopt that one.

Head over to Beth's to see some up close and personal shots.