Wednesday, December 9, 2009

They write songs about this, don't they?

Tom and I are counting down the days until we go home (Illinois and Indiana, respectively). During the year I often wish I lived closer to my parents. At Christmas, I don't mind so much. It means we pack up all our gifts, throw on our scarves and begin our holiday adventure.
In years past we've road tripped. We leave after my husband arrives home from work and drive through the night. It sucks, usually snows and we ALWAYS stop in Breezewood, PA. This year we are flying (easier with Coral). I'll miss our road trip, but I love the airport at the holidays. It's crazy, there are always too many people trying to get a beer at the Sam Adams restaurant and the bathrooms are always full, BUT people are on their way to loved ones. What's better than that?

Friday, December 4, 2009

fa la la la laaaa

fa la la la laaaaaaaa
We are getting into the Christmas mood at my house. I sing loudly, off key and Coral dances. It's very festive. In years past, I've always handmade gifts for family along with whatever we buy. This year it will probably be more making and less buying. It's the North Pole here and I am head elf.