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I have a zillion photos of my kids feet. They're so damn cute and I don't ever want to forget that. We spent a month at my mom's house this summer and Timmy's feet would get so dirty from running around the patio.

Shot on Walgreen's film. It was a $1/roll this summer!

I'm grateful for bath time. I love watching them play. I love sitting next to my husband and talking while we enjoy our kids. (Even if he sometimes get stressed out by the splashing and the standing and the one year old that throws himself across the tub every chance he gets.)

It's November. Thanksgiving will be here in a few short weeks. I have so many things to be grateful for. Today I am grateful for muddy feet that never stop.

This kid will climb on anything, and walk as long and as fast as his little legs will carry him. His favorite thing in the world is to pull himself up on the rocking chair, stand up and rock as hard as he can without holding on. He also turned the gas in the stove on. Life with a one year old is always an adventure.
It's really hot out and we are staying busy. Tomorrow is supposed to be 100 degrees. I plan on taking my kids to the mall and letting them play on the germ infested playground. This is the American dream, people.
And this is my adorable child. He's so old and big and doing things!

And this girl. She's so feisty it makes my head spin.

Now, go eat a slurpee.
I'm in Fort Wayne, Indiana visiting my parents. My brother was here last week for Easter. The four of us haven't all been together since Christmas of 2009, so it was a very welcome visit.The weather is dreary, but it's refreshing to be around my favorite people. 
It's not exactly a sprawling metropolis around here, but I love photographing it.
Spring will be coming back to stay, yes? We have so much sliding, sand box playing and swinging to do. Don't even get me started on the big plans for sidewalk chalk.
I have been crocheting. I sort of don't know what I want it to be yet. A hat or part of a scarf or maybe a lovely potholder. The point is it feels nice to do it. My mom taught me when I was about 17 and her mom taught her. My grandmother has HER mother's tiny little hooks that she used for doilies and all the fine little detailed beauties that no one does anymore. The yarn and hook just feel right. I don't knit. I know how to knit, but not purl. I don't know any left handed knitters to show me and the two sticks just don't feel RIGHT in my hands. Crocheting is like an old friend that I always come back to when I am sad or just need to make and do. Lately, I need to make and do. Partly because I feel inspired and partly because it's so calming. Like tea.

Have you ever seen the dust float through the air in a flash of sunshine? Sometimes it's really pretty. I like those little bits of inspiration (don't think too hard about the dust part. It kind of ruins it. Ha.) that are all around.
Last year I attempted a 365 photo project. I failed. I made a valiant effort until about May and then the exhaustion of my pregnancy with Timmy and chasing Coral around made me less than enthused to finish it. This year, I thought about giving it another try. And then I thought about how I'm still chasing Coral and now taking care of Timmy and realized it just wouldn't work for me. Last time, taking photos turned into a chore for me and coming up with new things to shoot didn't help my already frazzled mind. SOOO, I'm doing a 52. I hate the idea of not doing anything but don't want to jump into something as huge as a photo a day. One photo a week is completely possible since I take about 1,000 photos a month (no, seriously) anyway. (I did do a 365 of Coral for her first year. I did finish it. Poor Timmy, just another sign he's the 2nd baby.)

Coral is really loving pencils.
Don't worry.
We supervise.
This might be my favorite photo I've ever taken of my sweet girl.

Check out more gorgeous shots at I heart faces!